Physical and chemical quality of processed nectar flavors and sold in supermarkets in the city of Cuiabá-MT

Kelly Rodrigues Gobbi, Livia Rodrigues Almeida, Melissa Schirmer, Rozilaine Aparecida Pelegrine Gomes Faria


This study aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical quality of processed passion fruit and peach nectar flavors and sold in supermarkets in the city of Cuiaba-MT. We evaluated the physicochemical parameters total acidity, citric acid, pH, vitamin C content, soluble solids (° Brix) SS/acidity total, reducing and non-reducing and total carbohydrates, as the Institute Adolf Lutz standards. The mean values were subjected to analysis of variance and were submitted to the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance level. The total acidity (g.100g-1) to B and D showed statistically equal averages. However, passion fruit flavor of the brand B showed higher pH value (3.27 ± 0.02a). There was no statistically significant difference in soluble solids / titratable acidity (SS / TA) between the marks for the analyzed flavors. For vitamin C all values were below prescribed by legislation. For total soluble solids the average observed for the passion fruit flavor met the minimum established by legislation. However, for the peach flavor, the marks A and B showed lower values and they were smaller than the minimum values established by legislation. Regarding the parameter non-reducing sugar, the brand presented the biggest non-reducing sugar values for the flavors to analyzed. We concluded that not all analyzed parameters meet the current legislation. Vitamin C and soluble solids were below the established by legislation. There is no standard of identity and quality for non-reducing sugar as sucrose, so important parameter as a criterion of a healthy food.


maracujá, pêssego, parâmetro físico-químico, controle de qualidade

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DOI: 10.3895/rebrapa.v7n3.3716


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