Reduction of the contamination in the processes of feed production using the system of hazard analysis and critical control points (haccp)
Reduce contamination in feed industries is a big challenge for all the companies to get better products and to expand the consumer marketing. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify and evaluate contamination of a feed mill, suggesting a control plan based on the system of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The experimental activities were conducted in a poultry feed facility with a capacity of 1,000 ton/day, located in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The evaluation of the contamination was performed on flow corn, soybean meal, and feed production. After 72 hours of operation of the equipment, high levels of microbiological contaminationwere identified on the surface. The low physical quality of the products (4.2% impurities, 15.83% w.b., aw 0.85) favored the development of insects (7), fungi (1.2x107 CFU.g-1) and bacteria (1.0x107 CFU.g-1) in batches grain, and animal by-products. The high rate of contamination in raw materials enabled the formation of mycotoxins (aflatoxins of 60 ppb, 28 ppm of fumonisins) in the final products. In the steps of receiving and storage of raw materials showed the highest levels of microbiological contamination, increasing the risk of contamination of the feed end. It was concluded that the contamination physic-chemical and microbiological processing unit found in the diet adversely affect the quality of the finished feed. For quality control of products was necessary to monitor all stages of production since the arrival of the raw material until dispatch of the diets.
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PDFDOI: 10.3895/S1981-36862014000100005
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