Per capita municipal solid waste generation and its relationship with socioeconomic and demographic factors in a developing country

Diogo Appel Colvero, Anny Kariny Feitosa, José Carlos Ramalho, Ana Paula Duarte Gomes, Luís António da Cruz Tarelho, Manuel Arlindo Amador de Matos


In Brazil, per capita municipal solid waste (MSW) generation has increased in recent years. This situation, combined with inadequate management of MSW, provides a disturbing scenario in the Brazilian States. For example, in the State of Goiás, just 16 of 246 municipalities send their MSW to licensed landfills. To change this, one of the measures that Goiás should adopt is the prevention of waste generation, as the waste hierarchy advocates. To do this, it is necessary to identify elements that may be associated with increased production of MSW. Thus, the objective of this study is to perform a statistical analysis to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors that may be associated with per capita MSW generation in the municipalities of Goiás State. For such analysis, statistical techniques were used as descriptive analysis and linear regression. Results showed that daily per capita MSW generation in Goiás can be better justified by socioeconomic and demographic variables than just by socioeconomic variables. The Municipal Human Development Index for Education has been shown to be a statistically significant variable to exert influence on the production of waste, in order to contribute to the 39% growth of daily per capita generation of MSW, in the State.


Municipal solid waste (MSW); Per capita generation; Statistical analysis; Socioeconomic and demographic factors; Developing country

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v15n36.8757


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