The use of electronic government in the State of São Paulo by senior citizens

Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Fernando de Souza Meirelles


The elderly are already 13% of the Brazilian population, and the use of technology may increase the quality of life of these people. Senior citizens tend to be more cautious and seek greater certainty before they act towards younger individuals. The objective of the research was to study the factors that influence the elderly in the use of an e-government initiative in the State of São Paulo. We interviewed 137 elderly people who used the program. The methodology used was quantitative with the use of structural equation modeling. The study presented a robust model with high explanatory power, in which the influencing factors were: Performance Expectation, Facilitating Conditions, and Habit. The research assists in the participation and involvement of the elderly in the current development phase of e-government in the state, exposing their perceptions.


Elecronic government; Information technology; Elderly.

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v14n30.5598


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