Analysis of the relation of logistics service level and the shopping experience in brazilian e-commerce: a rating scale

Gisela Demo, Patricia Guarnieri, Beatriz Alvarenga


The performance of logistics becomes even more relevant in e-commerce, demanding high specialization. Considering the lack of instruments in the literature to assess the logistics system related to online shopping experience, the objective of this quantitative research was to develop and validate a rating scale of e-commerce. The results constitute a preliminary diagnosis that can support managers of electronic commerce to take better decisions related to logistics service level.  It is important, considering that this type of decisions usually involves high amounts of money and not always the investments in logistics are perceived by customers. Besides, the rating scale of e-commerce considering logistics aspects, developed and validated in this research, can aid managers to design strategies and to take decisions that optimize the logistics activities and the shopping experience in e-commerce.


logistics; service level; rating scale

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DOI: 10.3895/gi.v13n4.7455

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Revista Gestão Industrial

ISSN: 1808-0448


Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 - Rebouças CEP 80230-901 - Curitiba - PR - Brasil
