Squares as tools for urban transformation: Foundations for designing the Iranian public squares

Asma Mehan


The very concept of Public Square as microcosms of urban life and social relations has been transformed dramatically, especially in modern Iran. This article investigates the most dominant foundations, abstract ideas, ideologies and power relations that influenced the Iranian Public Squares’ designing. By considering the changing foundations for ideology and power relations, and their impact on urban form, this research follows the history and development of Iranian urbanism. Building on these foundations, it focuses on the transitional history and urban evolution of Iranian public squares through the Politico-religious and modern foundations till the contemporary era. Since the source of power has shifted to a wider mass of people in contemporary era, it can be concluded that designers should consider the social foundations at the time of redevelopment; in other words, the squares needed to be designed for people.


Public Squares, Iran, Urban Transformation, Modernity

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DOI: 10.3895/rbpd.v5n2.4479


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