Multidimensional analysis of the Effectiveness of a Massive Open Online Course on covid-19 in the training of health professionals

Alessandra Karla Oliveira Amorim Muniz, Francenilde Silva de Sousa, Cadidja Dayane Sousa do Carmo, Karoline Corrêa Trindade, Ana Emília Figueiredo de Oliveira, Paola Trindade Garcia, Deysianne Costa das Chagas, Cecília Claudia Costa Ribeiro


This study tested the Effectiveness of a Massive Open Online Course on covid-19 and associations with alumni characteristics and their evaluation of the course. Through an analytical cross-sectional study with 1,135 graduates who answered a structured questionnaire via Google Forms, from July to September 2020. The outcome was the latent multidimensional Effectiveness, deducted from the Skills, Attitudes and Motivation indicators. Socioeconomic characteristics, professional training, time working in health and course evaluation were analyzed to analyze associations with the outcome. Stata version 15.0 and Mplus® version 8 were used in the analyses. The best model showed Effectiveness with factor loadings above 0.8 (p<0.001). Time working in health (PC=0.106; p=0.014) and course evaluation (PC=0.542; p<0.001) were the variables associated with Effectiveness. The educational offer was a resource that effectively qualified health professionals who graduated from the course to combat the covid-19 pandemic.


Continuing education; Effectiveness; Distance Education

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DOI: 10.3895/etr.v8n3.18033


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