Evaluation of concrete blocks reinforced with bamboo fibers treated with NaOH

Cassiano Rodrigues Moura, Luiz Veriano Oliveira Dalla Valentina, Adalberto José Tavares Vieira


This paper presents the research of the influence of chemical treatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) applied on bamboo fibers, to be used as concrete blocks reinforcement. The objective is to analyze the influence of the fibers on the mechanical properties of the cement composite. The research methodology used in this paper is of literary and experimental disposition, while the investigated plant is of the species Bambusa Vulgarise, which passed through chemical treatment with NaOH. Later, the fibers were characterized by optical microscopy and SEM. The characterization of the composite material was performed with bending tests. The results show the contribution of the reinforcement provided by treated fibers on the tensile strength during the bending of the concrete blocks, which evidence the importance to apply the chemical treatment. The study show that it is possible to use the treated bamboo fiber as a viable alternative on concrete blocks reinforcement, with superior resistance when compared to those of the bamboo in-natural. 


Bamboo fiber; Chemical treatment; Concrete block; NaOH

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DOI: 10.3895/gi.v14n3.7476

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Revista Gestão Industrial

ISSN: 1808-0448


Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 - Rebouças CEP 80230-901 - Curitiba - PR - Brasil
