Surrounded by sun and water: development of a water supply system for riverine peoples in Amazonia

Maria Cecilia Rosinski Lima Gomes, Ana Claudeíse Silva do Nascimento, Dávila Suellen Sousa Corrêa, Otacílio Soares Brito, Edila Arnaud Ferreira Moura


This article presents an analysis of the historic, technical and environmental factors that influenced the development of a water supply system for small rural communities in seasonally flooded areas of Amazonia. Data was gathered from internal reports, interviews and water quality analysis. Principal factors identified included: the use of photovoltaic energy, well and rain water quality, the use of mobile equipment and floating structures, and community participation in equipment construction and management. We believe that the developed model is a possible solution to problems related to water access in remote flooded areas of Amazonia. 


Water access; Photovoltaic; Rural communities; Amazonia

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v15n35.7912


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