Socioeconomic diagnostics of the dairy productive chain of the microregions in the northeast portion of the state of Pará, Brazil

Priscila Santos da Conceição Oliveira, Bruno Silva Cunha, Laila Amanda do Carmo Moreira, Célia Maria Costa Guimarães, Consuelo Lúcia Sousa


The main objective of this study was to characterize the socioeconomic and productive profile of family dairy farmer in the microregions of the northeast portion of the Brazilian state of Pará. A questionnaire was applied between March and April 2016 at the 20 rural properties of the cities of Castanhal, Irituia, Nova Timboteua, Peixe-boi, and São Francisco that work with dairy cattle. The dairy activity in the microregions of the northeast portion of the state of Pará is characterized by low technological and productivity indices. It is essential producers seek to improve their technical and managerial knowledge in order to optimize zootechnical and productive indicators.


Dairy cattle; Dairy producers; Milk quality.

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v17n48.12049


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